Sisters Profess Vows in Pakistan – Dominican Sisters of Sparkill

Sisters Profess Vows in Pakistan

On February 8, 2025, the profession of vows of Sisters Robina Nazir, Shabnum Francis, and Sadaf William took place at Bahawalpur Church, Pakistan. His Excellency, Yousaf Sohan, bishop of the diocese of Multan presided at the liturgy, joined by Fr. Maqsood, OMI and Dominican Friars of Bahawalpur and Multan.

The presence of the Prioress of the Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary, Sister Irene Ellis, OP, accompanied by three other sisters from the US, added immense significance to this sacred occasion. The atmosphere was filled with blessings as the Litany of Saints was chanted and the Prioress received the vows from Sisters Rubina, Sadaf, and Shabnum. The ceremony radiated simplicity and reverence.

The Dominican way of life is marked by living the shared professed vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in community and to joyfully witness to Christ by teaching and preaching in a way that is formed by contemplation and informed by study. The great Dominican teacher, Saint Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), summarized this apostolic service as “to contemplate and to give to others the fruits of contemplation.”

Sister Robina said, “I look forward to God's grace to persevere in prayer, love the poor . . . and to walk in joy with Christ and His people.” Sister Shabnum prayed that she might be a “source of love and happiness for God's people.” Sister Sadaf called her life as a Dominican sister, “a great blessing for me that God chose me to serve him wholeheartedly. I look forward to his loving kindness, mercy, and grace upon me.”

The following day was followed by the perpetual profession of Sister Naseem George who shared that she was “strengthened and spiritually uplifted” as she prepared for her final vows but that her journey in religious life towards holiness would never be finished. She said, “I recognize that God’s grace is sufficient for me. God is close, understanding my determination to struggle daily to survive and be happy. Therefore, I commit myself daily into the hands of God. . . [that I may be] patient and bear all reactions peacefully.”