
Sister Marie Helena Phelan, OP

Sister Marie Helena Phelan, OP, of Dominican Convent, Sparkill, New York, died on December 27, 2013 in Siena Hall. Born in the New York City on October 20, 1917 Agnes Rose was the daughter of Alexander and Agnes Doyle Phelan. She entered the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sparkill on February 2, 1941 and became known as Sister Marie Helena, professing her first vows in 1942 and her final vows in 1947.

Sister Marie Helena earned a BA in English from Manhattan College in 1952. Sister was a teacher who served in the Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Brooklyn. She taught at St. Edmund, Brooklyn , NY (1944-45); St. Joseph, Bronx, NY (1945-49); St. Mary Magdalen, Springfield Gardens, NY (1949-54); St. James, Carmel, NY (1954-58); St. Brendan, Bronx, NY (1958-62); St. Anthony, Yonkers, NY (1962-68); Our Lady of Grace, Bronx, NY (1968-70); St. Martin of Tours, Bronx, NY (1970-71) and St. Paul, Valley Cottage, NY—as teacher (1971-93) and as volunteer (1993-2007). In 2007 she became a resident in Siena Hall at Dominican Convent.

Sister Marie Helena is predeceased by her parents, her brothers John and Alexander and her sister, Sr. Rose Agnes Phelan, OP. She is survived by her niece Patricia Phelan of Florida. Sister Marie Helena enjoyed her time with the children she taught and was committed to the work that was so much a part of her life. She was faithful to the God she loved and to the life she chose as a Dominican sister. We are grateful for her seventy-two years in the congregation and we thank God for her life and her goodness. May the Lord shine His light upon her and give her eternal rest in the kingdom of heaven.

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