Sister Marie Thomas McGuire, OP

Sister Marie Thomas McGuire, OP

Sister Marie Thomas McGuire, OP, of Dominican Convent, Sparkill, New York, died on May 29, 2014. Born in New York City on December 20, 1935, Alice was the daughter of John and Alice McKiernan McGuire. She entered the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sparkill on September 8, 1953 and became known as Sister Marie Thomas, professing her first vows in 1955 and her final vows in 1960. Sister Marie Thomas earned a BS in Education from St. Thomas Aquinas College and a RN in Nursing from St. Mary Nursing School. Sister Marie Thomas was an elementary school teacher and registered nurse. She served in the Archdioceses of New York and St. Louis, and the Diocese of Brooklyn.

She taught at St. Agnes, Sparkill, NY (1955-56); St. Edmund, Brooklyn, NY (1956-64); St. Columba, Chester, NY (1964-66); St. Mark (1966-68) and St. Thomas More (1968-70), St. Louis, MO. In 1970 Sister Marie Thomas pursued studies to receive her RN in Nursing. From 1975-2001 she was a staff nurse at NY University Hospital, Frances Schervier Nursing Home, Calvary Hospital and Venture Inn Treatment Center. She was also a School Nurse at Christopher Burke School and PS 188. Upon her retirement she was a pastoral care volunteer at Nyack Hospital and offered local community service at Dominican Convent. After becoming ill a short time ago, she became a resident in Siena Hall at Dominican Convent.

Sister Marie Thomas is survived by her nephews Thomas and John McGuire and her cousins John and Nancy McKiernan of Pearl River, NY.

Sister Marie Thomas actively served the people of God as a Dominican sister for fifty-four years of her religious life. She enjoyed her time with the community and was faithful to the God she loved and to the life she chose as a Dominican sister. We are grateful for her sixty years in the congregation, and we thank God for her life and her goodness. May the Lord shine His light upon her and give her eternal rest in the kingdom of heaven.

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