Sister Catherine Mary Gorman, OP

Sister Catherine Mary Gorman, OP

Sister Catherine Mary Gorman, OP, of the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, New York, died on March 8, 2015 in Dominican Convent, Sparkill, NY.

Born in the Bronx on September 2, 1933, Patricia Gorman was the daughter of George Gorman and Katherine Kennedy Gorman. Patricia entered the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sparkill on September 8, 1951, and became known as Sister Catherine Mary, professing her first vows in 1953 and her final vows in 1958.

Sister Catherine Mary earned a BS in Education from Fordham University in 1958, and an MA in Education/Counseling from Manhattan College in 1975.

During her professional life, Sister Catherine Mary taught in St. Helena School in the Archdiocese of New York (1953-58 and 1966-68); in Holy Family School, Fulton (1958-66) and St. Catherine School, Binghamton (1968-69) in the Syracuse diocese; and in St. Anthony’s School, Yonkers (1969-1973) in the Archdiocese of New York. Upon retiring from teaching, Sister served as an assistant in the Finance Office in Dominican Convent (1973-81) and as a social worker in the Catholic Home Bureau (1981-85). She worked as an office assistant in Albertus Magnus High School (1986-88), a staff member at Emmaus House, Elberon, New Jersey (1988-90 and 2002-09), and as a secretary in Dominican Convent (1990-2002).

Sister Catherine Mary is survived by her sister, Mary McCrain, brother-in-law Bob McCrain, and her nieces, Kathleen Martorano, Mary Pat Podest, Jeanne Ann Podest, Barbara Evangelista, and Patty Ann Kucan.

Sister Catherine Mary will be missed by her family and friends. We will remember her for her pride in her Irish heritage, her commitment to ministry, her wonderful sense of humor and gift for storytelling, and her faithfulness to the God whom she served so well for sixty-four years as a Dominican Sister of Sparkill. May God welcome her into his loving embrace and give her the peace of everlasting life. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

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