Sister Jean Thomas McHenry, OP entered eternal life on February 14, 2021 in Dominican Convent, Sparklll, NY. She was 95 years old.
Born in Fall River, MA on September 11, 1925, Dorothy Mary was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Frawley McHenry. She entered the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sparkill on September 8, 1944 and received the name Sister Jean Thomas. She professed her first vows in 1946 and final vows in 1951.
Sister Jean Thomas earned a BS in Education from Fordham University, NY, 1956; an MA in Business Education, College of St. Rose, Albany, NY; and Certification in Administration and Supervision, St. John’s University, 1977. She received a certificate in Sacred Scripture/Theology from Providence College, 1969.
Sister Jean Thomas served in ministry at: Cardinal McCloskey Home & School, White Plains, NY (1946-1952); St. John Chrysostom School, Bronx, NY (1952-1957); St. Helena Commercial HS Bronx NY (1957-1967, teacher, and 1973-1996, principal); Msgr. Scanlan HS, Bronx, NY (1967-1973); and at her alma mater, Aquinas HS, Bronx, NY (1997-2012) as Assistant Librarian and Computer Coordinator.
Sister Jean Thomas is predeceased by her parents Thomas and Mary Frawley McHenry and her sister Rita McHenry.
Sister Jean Thomas touched the lives of countless children and adults in her ministry as teacher and administrator. She was committed to the mission of the Dominican Sisters for more than 75 years, proclaiming the Reign of God through ministry for justice and reverence for all creation. May she be welcomed into the fullness of God’s presence—well done, good and faithful servant, Sister Jean Thomas McHenry!