Golden Jubilarians
The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill celebrated the Golden jubilees of 3 Sisters on Saturday, October 6, 2018, with a Mass honoring the patroness of the Congregation, Our Lady of the Rosary. Each Sister marked her 50th Anniversary as a Catholic Sister and a member of the Sparkill Congregation!
We congratulate these Sisters for their 50 years of faithful service as religious Sisters.
Golden Jubilarians ~ Standing from L-R: Sisters LynnAnn Lewis, Ann Marie Santen, and Patricia Niblock.
Diamond Jubilarians
The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill celebrated the Diamond Jubilees of 42 Sisters on Sunday, May 6, 2018, the date of the Congregation’s founding. Each Sister marked her 60th, 65th, 70th, 75th, 80th or 85th Anniversary as a Catholic Sister and a member of the Sparkill Congregation!
We congratulate and thank these Sisters for their many years of dedication to religious life and their ministries.
Photos of the Jubilarian groups follow. If a Sister has returned to using her baptismal name, her former religious name is listed in parenthesis.
60th Diamond Jubilarians ~ Standing from L-R: Sisters Sheila Gorham (Joseph Cecilia), Eileen Guinan (Regina Margaret), Mary Ann Borello (Stephen Andrew), Louise Mileski (Anne DePorres), Carole Valentino (Michael Patrick), Margaret Flaherty (Miriam Anthony), Sheila Mullins (Deirdre Marie), Madeleine Murphy (Timothy Marie), Joan Marie O’Leary (Ellen Patrice), Paulette Patritti and Anne Queenan (Patrick Michael). Seated from L-R: Sisters Theresa Angelo Girolamo and Donna DeGhetto (Donna Catherine). Not pictured: Sister Patricia Broderick (Margaret Patrice).
65th Diamond Jubilarians ~ Standing from L-R: Sisters Margaret Glynn (Mary Laurentine), Patricia McLoughlin (Mary Terence), Sheila Marie O’Regan (Moira), Maureen Stocking (Roy Maureen), and Dolores Shortal (Marian Joseph). Seated from L-R: Sisters Marie Angelique Dryden, Marianne Morelli (Carmel Marie), Joanne Deas (Theresa Anne), Therese Tangney (Gerald Therese), Margaret Ryan (Michael Ann), and Patricia Egan (John Michael). Not pictured: Sisters Nora McCarthy (Patrick Marie), Elizabeth McAleavey (Francis Margaret), Kathleen Kane (Kathleen Marie), and Helen Regina Durso.
70th Diamond Jubilarians ~ Standing from L-R: Sisters Frances Dryden (Mary Winton), Mary Rose Mullervy (Patrick James), and Mary Magdalen Fleming. Seated from L-R: Sisters Rita Farrell (John Elizabeth), Cecilia Ann Flynn and Anne Marie Stoltz. Not pictured: Sister Jane Tyler (William Therese).
75th Diamond Jubilarian ~ Sister Eileen Reilly (Ann Thomas).

80th Diamond Jubilarians ~ From L-R: Sisters Marie Jean Dempsey, Marianne Travers (Rosemary), Marie Daugherty, and Veronica Lanham (Miriam).
85th Diamond Jubilarian ~ Sister Lois Liekweg.