The 4th Annual Cycling for Peace, sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, was held this year on Saturday, September 28 on the convent and St. Thomas Aquinas College grounds. This annual event drew a large crowd of friends and supporters of all ages.
Cyclists, walkers, and runners could follow two marked routes on the properties. Everyone who registered received a free T-shirt and enjoyed the food, contests, and games.
The Sisters were happy to have the event at their motherhouse and came out to say “hello” to friends and family who stopped by…and to have some of the delicious desserts that were donated!
Although we had some showers later in the day, it did not dampen anyone’s spirits. Our volunteers kept the contests going and handed out free samples of earth-friendly products (in the spirit of Laudato Si).
Siena Hall Sisters participated in the fun by having their own inside “Walk and Wheel.” With the generosity of the sponsors, donors, and participants, we raised over $30,000! Many thanks and see you next year…and bring a friend!