What’s New in Multan?

The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill serving in Multan, Pakistan, are busy educating 230 pupils in the Dominican Middle School. Many of the Sisters in Formation are discerning their call and learning more about being a Dominican Sister. Community life and prayer are vital here and when not teaching, the Sisters visit the sick and elderly in the local colony of Raze Abad.

Several Sisters are also providing training to enhance teacher efficacy through a program called “Spark” sponsored by the National Catholic Education Commission of Pakistan. Spark seeks to empower teachers, and the trainers, such as Sister Samreen, are taught by the Commission who then work with teachers in their local schools. Each trainer is a spark who attracts other teachers and teaches them how to be an inspiration, thereby attracting students through excellent teaching and warm relational skills.

Sister Samreen attends online classes from the Catholic Board of Education on model lessons, which she shares with her teachers. Then she observes how they are using these methods and provides feedback, instructions, and support as necessary.

Sister Rushana Younas is a junior Sister and she is studying for a B.S. in English. She attends classes at the university on weekends. For the rest of the week, she goes to school and works as a classroom teacher.

Sister Noreen recently came back after completing her studies in Rome. She is working as our Novice Directress and vocation promoter and meets with potential candidates and arranges the vocation awareness programs, Come and See.

Sister Monica is doing community service and taking two classes with novice, Maria Khalid, studying The Hidden Women of the Gospels by Kathy Coffey, and the life and writing of St. Catherine of Siena. Maria Khalid is in her second year as a Novice and teaches religion in school.

Sister Monica also accompanies Mifra Gulshan in praying the Divine Office and daily reading the Bible. Mifra is our candidate and is discerning her call from God. She has completed several courses toward her Fine Arts (FA) degree and Religious Teacher certification. She teaches and enjoys time in prayer and learning about the lives of saints.

Dominican Middle School continues to grow in leaps and bounds under the guidance of Sister Nusrat Lewis, Regional Representative and Principal.

Here are some photos from the renovation. The hall where the school community previously held Mass is now an auditorium. (Photo of stage construction). Mass is now being celebrated at the new Saint Dominic Church completed two years ago. (photo).

The school is being renovated and expanded to accommodate more students in the future. The new construction will add two additional classrooms, a staffroom for teachers, an office for the principal, and six washrooms. Currently, the school serves up to 5th grade. The school’s expansion will allow the addition of Grades 6, 7, and 8. The new academic year will begin by inaugurating Grade 6 followed by adding a 7th and 8th grade over the next two years.

Everyone is excited about the annual Result Day where students are recognized for their performance in exams. There are three divisions based on grades and everyone gets an award based on their result. The good news is that everyone gets some sort of prize which acts as affirmation of what they have achieved, and an incentive to keep trying. This is a good way of motivating children to be successful.

We all are very happy to live and work in Raze Abad colony Multan.

Sincerely Sister Rushana Younas, OP

[Multan is an ancient city in Punjab, Pakistan, located on the bank of Chenab River and is one of the five largest urban centers of Pakistan. The colony of Raze Abad, on the other hand, is a small village of about 900 families where most residents are Christians.]

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