Sister Barbara Ann Travers, OP

Sister Barbara Ann Travers, OP

Sister Barbara Ann Travers, OP, of Dominican Convent, Sparkill, New York, died on December 3, 2015 in Siena Hall, Sparkill, NY. Born in Kansas City, MO on January 26, 1923, Barbara Ann was the daughter of James and Mary Harrold Travers. Barbara Ann entered the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sparkill on September 8, 1940, and became known as Sister Mary Roseanne, professing her first vows in 1942 and her final vows in 1947.

Sister Barbara Ann earned a B.S. in History from St. Louis University in 1951.

During her professional life, Sister Barbara Ann ministered in the Archdiocese of St. Louis at Epiphany of Our Lord School, St. Louis, MO (1941-53); St. James the Greater School, St. Louis, MO (1953-60); St. Kevin School, St. Louis, MO (1960-63); St. Mary Magdalen School, Brentwood, MO (1969-76); St. Peter Parish, Kirkwood, MO (1976-79); and St. George Parish, Affton, MO (1979-82). She ministered in the Archdiocese of New York at St. Augustine School, New City, NY (1964-65) and at St. Agnes Home, Sparkill, NY (1965-1969). In 1983 Sr. Barbara Ann moved to Dominican Convent in Sparkill, NY, where she was a volunteer tutor and engaged in pastoral ministry. She became a resident in Siena Hall, Sparkill, NY in 2004.

Sister Barbara Ann is predeceased by her parents James and Mary Travers; and her brothers James, Richard, Jerome, John, and William. She is survived by her sister Sr. Marianne Travers, OP of Sparkill, NY, and her brother Daniel J. Travers of Florissant, MO. She will be missed by her many nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews.

Sister Barbara Ann was kind, generous, and deeply committed to justice for all people. She was faithful to her call to life as a Dominican sister for over 75 years. Now we commend her to the God she loved and we ask the good Lord to give her peace among the company of the saints in heaven.

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