
Sister Catherine Clare Weis, OP

Sister Catherine Clare Weis, OP, of Dominican Convent, Sparkill, New York, died on June 8, 2012 in Siena Hall Infirmary, Sparkill, NY.Born in New York City May 21, 1917, Catherine Mary Weis was the daughter of John and Catherine Coan Weis. She entered the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sparkill on July 10, 1933 and became known as Sister Catherine Clare, professing her first vows in 1935 and her final vows in 1940.

Sister Catherine Clare earned a BA in English from Manhattan College, NY; an MA in Family Living from Columbia University, NY; and a degree in Administration/Supervision from Catholic University, Washington, DC. Sister Catherine Clare was an elementary and high school teacher serving in the Archdiocese of New York and the Dioceses of Brooklyn and Rockville Center. She taught in New York at St. Columba, St. Ann, St. Brendan, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Helena Elementary & High School and Sacred Heart; in Brooklyn at St. Edmund Elementary & High School (as assistant principal) and Our Lady of Perpetual Help; in Rockville Center she taught at Katherine Gibbs.

After retiring from teaching she was employed as an office assistant and secretary at Aquinas HS, Grand Leigh, Inc. and Senior Citizen Employment.

We will remember Sister Catherine Clare as an enthusiastic and creative teacher. She enjoyed her students and brought out the best in each of them. For almost seventy-nine years she served her God faithfully as a member of the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill. We thank God for her life and goodness. May she rest in peace and joy in the arms of her loving God.

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