Sister Marianne Travers

Sister Marianne Travers, OP

Sister Marianne Travers, OP died on November 24, 2020 in Siena Hall, Dominican Convent, Sparkill, NY. She was 101 years old.

Born in St. Louis, MO, on August 20, 1919, Rosemary was the daughter of James and Mary Harrold Travers. She entered the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sparkill on July 16, 1938 and received the name Sister Marianne. She professed her first vows in 1940 and final vows in 1945.

Sister Marianne received her BA in History from Manhattan College, Bronx, NY, in 1948; an MA in Library Science, Rosary College, St. Louis, MO, 1968; and an MA in Theology from St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO, 1977.

Sister Marianne ministered at St. Mary Magdalen School, Springfield Gardens, NY (1940-1943); St. Catherine of Siena School, NYC (1943-1948); St. Mary School, Fulton, NY (1948-1951); Mary Queen of Heaven School, Brooklyn, NY (1952-1955), and Epiphany of Our Lord School, St. Louis, MO (1951-1952, 1955-1975 as teacher and librarian). From 1975-2004, Sister Marianne served as a librarian at St. Louis University, MO.

Sister Marianne is predeceased by her parents James and Mary Harrold Travers, her sister, Sister Barbara Travers, OP, and her brothers James, Richard, Robert, John, William, and Daniel. She is survived by beloved nieces and nephews and her Dominican Sisters and Associates.

Sister Marianne made a difference in the lives of countless young people in her ministry of education as teacher and librarian, and in her ministry of prayer. She served her God and congregation faithfully for more than 82 years as a Dominican Sister of Sparkill. We thank God for her life, her presence, and her commitment as she is welcomed into the fullness of God’s presence. Sister Marianne will be remembered by her Dominican Sisters, Associates, colleagues, and all who were touched by her life. May she rest in the loving embrace of the God she served so well.

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