Sister Mary McLaughlin, OP, of Dominican Convent, Sparkill, NY, passed away on February 10, 2014 at the Joe Raso Hospice Residence in New City, NY. Born in New York City on May 25, 1934, Mary was the daughter of Andrew and Delia Crehan McLaughlin. She entered the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary in Sparkill on September 8, 1953 and became known as Sister Andrew Marie, professing her first vows in 1955 and her final vows in 1960.
Sister Mary earned a BS in Education from St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, NY and an MLS in Library Science from St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY. Sister Mary was an elementary school teacher who served in the Archdiocese of New York and the Dioceses of Rockville Center and Brooklyn. She taught at St. Brendan, Bronx, NY (1955-60 & 67-91); Holy Family, Hicksville, NY (1960-62); Mary Queen of Heaven, Brooklyn, NY (1962-67) and Annunciation, Crestwood, NY (91-95). From 1995-2007 Sister Mary was a staff member at Dowling Gardens, Sparkill, NY. Upon retirement Sr. Mary offered local community service at Dominican Convent. She became a resident in Siena Hall in 2010.
Sister Mary is predeceased by her parents Andrew and Delia McLaughlin. She is survived by her cousins, the McLaughlin and Mannion families, of England and Ireland, Mary Barrett of New Hampshire. Sister Mary will be missed by her congregation and many friends.
Sister Mary enjoyed life, being with friends, celebrating special events, dancing to Irish music and just having a good time. She loved teaching and shared her gifts as a teacher with countless students. She was committed to her life as a Dominican sister and remained faithful to her call for sixty years. She was gift to us and now we commend her to the God she loved and we ask the good Lord to give her peace among the company of the saints in heaven.