Reflections – Contemplatio

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
From the time Jesus said from the cross, “Woman behold your son; son behold your mother,” Mary became the mother of all humankind. Mary’s new role included keeping a watchful eye on us as we traveled through the ages. She has made her maternal presence known in many different parts of the world, including the […]

Re-Creation of a New World
For the second week of Advent Vespers, Sister Valorie preached about the connection between the Immaculate Conception and Peace in Haiti. Like Mary, we are called to share our sacred power to re-create the world. Sister Valorie Lordi, OP, is the school nurse at St. John Chrysostom School, Bronx, NY.

Living in Hopeful Expectation
Today, we mark the beginning of the liturgical year once again. Once again, we enter into the mystery of God’s coming into our world. Advent is a season of expectant waiting, a season of longing. In the first reading from Jeremiah, we are reminded that God’s coming is near. This is not a cause for […]

Saint Martin de Porres
In a recent conversation, Sr. Ellen Joseph Moore shared insightful reflections on St. Martin de Porres, a saint who has profoundly influenced her life since childhood. Raised in a Celtic culture with a deep reverence for St. Martin, Sr. Ellen recalled how many of her relatives cherished a statue of St. Martin; she keeps one […]

Memorial Mass, 2024
Last week, as I was emailing members of our Circle with the date and time we would be meeting, I said, “The good news was that our Circle membership was staying the same. We will all be returning to our same Circle this year.” As soon as I sent it out, I realized that Pius […]

Venerable Brother Norbert McAuliffe
Brother Norbert McAuliffe, SC, originally known as John McAuliffe, embarked on a remarkable journey to sainthood. His spiritual journey began when he and his brother William, orphaned at a young age, found refuge at St. Agnes Home for Children in Sparkill in 1895. At 16, John experienced a profound spiritual calling to join the Brothers […]

Feast of St. Simon and Jude
According to Luke’s Gospel, Jesus reached the moment in his ministry when he was ready to choose from among his many disciples, the chosen Twelve. Notice that he spent his whole night in prayer before he made these final decisions. Saint Paul tells us today that we have all been called to be the heirs […]

Shine the Light on Domestic Violence
On October 17th, I joined the fourth annual “Shine the Light” walk in solidarity” sponsored by the Center for Safety and Change. This organization serves both domestic violence victims, survivors, and family members. We began in Nyack, while Westchester agencies, advocates, and others came together at midspan on the Tappan Zee Bridge to honor and […]

Feast of the Holy Rosary, 2024
Happy Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary to all of our Sisters and Associates who, as members of our Dominican Congregation, have served God for the past 148 years under her holy protection. Since it is such a joyful day for us, I thought it appropriate to contemplate the meaning of the Joyful Mysteries […]

Beautiful…She was beautiful.
Sister Margaret Palliser shared the following reflection for the Feast of St. Rose of Lima. Born in Lima, Peru, in 1586, by all accounts, Isabel Flores de Oliva was a beautiful infant, a beautiful child, a beautiful young woman. With a Puerto Rican father and an indigenous mother of Incan ancestry, she inherited the fine features and fair complexion that marked that combination of lineages.