Reflections – Contemplatio

the desert

The Gift of the Desert

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil.  [Luke 4:1-13] All three Lectionary cycles give us the same gospel story for the First Sunday of Lent: an account of Jesus’ temptations in the desert-a clear […]

Fra Angelico portrait by Luca Signorelli

Feast of Fra Angelico

Today we take time to honor one of our Dominican brothers who became an outstanding artist of his time; namely, Fra Angelico who was born Guido di Pietro in 1395 during the early stages of the Renaissance. There was excitement in the atmosphere as men and women entered the era when the arts were considered […]

One to one learning soccer

Pilgrims of Hope

Thanks to Sister Cecilia LaPietra, who shared this reflection on February 2, 2025, at St. Francis of Assisi Church in West Nyack for the celebration of Vita Consecrata on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. We are happy to be here with you, Parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi Church and with you […]

Thomas Aquinas and Sr. Jean Henry

You Are Special

When Sister Catherine Rose asked me to give this reflection, I just looked at her. She said, “Jean, give it some thought.” This made me think of how much Thomas Aquinas has meant to me throughout my many years of teaching and administration and part of my name is shared and my feast day is […]


Embracing the Light: The Call to Welcome, Serve, and Transform

Good Morning!  A blessed Christmas to each of you – those present in this chapel and those who are with us through the wonders of technology. Today’s reading from the Book of Isaiah proclaims, “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you.”  In this age of […]

I Bring You Good News

The feast of Christmas has four different liturgies. They celebrate the in-breaking of divinity into humanity in the person of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. The gospel for the Christmas vigil is from Matthew and begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, son of Abraham. This proclaims the human lineage of […]

painting of the Visitation

Maria está embarazada. Ella está bien embarazada!

Visitation painting by Therese Quinn rsj. Mary is pregnant. She’s really, really pregnant! That was the refrain of a homily at the Spanish Mass at St. Nicholas of Tolentine in the Bronx on the 4th Sunday of Advent over 30 years ago. For those of you who also spent time at Tolentine, the homilist was […]

Elizabeth Guzman preaches at Advent Vespers

Rejoicing in the Waiting

These three readings exemplify what Advent is all about-praising God in the waiting, loving each other, blessing others with our light because we are blessed with the light of Christ, and thanking God for every moment. Advent is traditionally seen as a season of anticipation, a time to prepare for the birth of Christ so […]

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

From the time Jesus said from the cross, “Woman behold your son; son behold your mother,” Mary became the mother of all humankind. Mary’s new role included keeping a watchful eye on us as we traveled through the ages. She has made her maternal presence known in many different parts of the world, including the […]

Advent Week 2

Re-Creation of a New World

For the second week of Advent Vespers, Sister Valorie preached about the connection between the Immaculate Conception and Peace in Haiti. Like Mary, we are called to share our sacred power to re-create the world. Sister Valorie Lordi, OP, is the school nurse at St. John Chrysostom School, Bronx, NY.

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