Reflections – Contemplatio

Dowling Gardens exterior

Rockland County’s best kept secret

In early 1884, our Mother Dominic Dowling purchased a plot of land on the west side of the Hudson River in Rockland County, New York. This was to carry out the Dominican Sisters’ plan to provide a healthier environment for the homeless children in their care. In June of that same year, four Sisters and […]

Chapel interior

A grace-filled ministry

I was pleasantly surprised when a notice was released asking Associates to consider assisting during weddings and funerals in Sacred Heart Chapel. The tasks were outlined: to open the chapel doors, switch on the audio and lighting systems, dress the altar with fresh linens and the sacred vessels, and remain on site during the function. […]

stained glass window

Reflecting on Saint Dominic

Reflecting on the life of St. Dominic de Guzman seems particularly timely this year, since precisely 800 years have passed since his death on August 6, 1221. Let’s take a moment to go back to the time when Dominic lived his extraordinary life on this earth. Historians and others tell us that Dominic was a […]

Words scrabble tiles

The strongest muscle in your body

The strongest muscle in your body is . . . your tongue! It can build up or tear down, comfort and console, or wreak havoc and devastation. What the tongue enables us to produce is words. What happens when this simple, small organ belongs to God? Looking at Isaiah 55:10-11, we see that the Word […]

Aquinas entrance

The gift of being a small part of a 98-year legacy

Aquinas High School . . . Educating and inspiring young women for a lifetime of faith, learning, and compassionate action for a more just world. – Mission Statement These words embody the Aquinas High School of yesterday and today. Aquinas was the school I entered as a teenager and graduated as a young woman—one educated […]

Sr. Margaret Mary O'Doherty, Montana

Box Elder on Rocky Boy’s Reservation

I lived on the Rocky Boy’s Reservation with the Chippewa Cree people for 36 years. It has been such a blessing for me to learn their sacred ceremonies and share their spirituality, their deep spiritual relationship with the Great Spirit, our Creator. At the Mission School, we spent many hours together sharing our relationship with […]

Montana tripttych

St. Paul’s Mission Grade School in Hays

Faithful to our Dominican charism, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of truth in order to address more effectively the needs of our suffering world…. Our peaceful presence brings hope to a world torn by violence. – Chapter 2016 Direction Statement An unplanned moment occurred in our lives nearly 40 years ago when we decided […]

Sister Kathleen Kane, OP

Fort Belknap Reservation, Rocky Boy’s Reservation, and Great Falls

Facing forward, we trust that God will transform us into disciples, challenging us to a radical living of the gospel. – Chapter 2016 Direction Statement My experiences on Fort Belknap Reservation, Rocky Boy’s Reservation, and in Great Falls have been deeply enriching. Learning about the culture and traditions of the Indigenous people and participating in […]

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