Please Click Here to join this Zoom event featuring presenter and noted theologian Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, OP on April 25, 2024 at 6:30 PM ET. Here Sr. Carla Mae will offer Theological background to help prepare preachers to proclaim the Good News.
Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, O.P., Th.D., is presently Professor Emerita of Systematic Theology and Spirituality at Aquinas Institute of Theology. A Dominican sister, she completed doctoral studies with the Canadian Jesuits at Regis College at the University of Toronto School of Theology in 1986. She is the author of Foundations of Spirituality: The Human and the Holy and Religious Love in Bernard Lonergan as Hermeneutical and Transcultural. She serves on the Board of the Interfaith Partnership of Metropolitan St. Louis and the Board of the Institute for the Theological Encounter with Science and Technology.
Dominicans are women and men of the Word: the personal Word first, and then the scriptural word. Most of us have been formed catechetical and doctrinally about Jesus. We need to transformed by Jesus and bring others to that same transformation. Our spirituality is liturgical and scriptural, this is the one flowing fountain from which we drink. How do we pray and then preach this Christ Jesus today, in light of the evening news, the trivial regard for human life, and the Webb pictures from space?
“Come and see…” John 1:39