Reflections – Contemplatio

tree with purple flowers

Spring’s Call

One of the things I love most about the season of spring is its imperceptibility-its daily surprises. One day there appears to be nothing sprouting and then, within a span of a few hours or days, tiny new growths appear. It’s as if the struggles of winter give way to the fruits of patient endurance. […]

hands holding plant

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! Please join me in giving thanks for Senator Gaylord Nelson and others, especially those in the anti-war movement, whose efforts to connect the health of the planet with the health of the human family resulted in the annual celebration of Earth Day in 1970. Let us celebrate Earth Day 2022 with a […]

The Path to Calvary

The Path to Calvary

This day of hosannas and palms begins a very sacred week in our liturgical year, one that is filled with both terrifying and glorious moments. It is actually the triumph of the Incarnation which we celebrated on Christmas and puts a “period” at the end of the sentence… and God became human. These seven days […]

MEKennedy with Aquinas girls

An Amazing Woman of Distinction

March is Women’s History Month, and the chronicles of the Sparkill Dominicans are filled with stories of amazing women. This is a story about one of them… On the day I entered the Dominican Convent in 1961, I met Sister Marie Enda Kennedy, one of the most remarkable women I’ve ever known. I expected she […]

Ash Wednesday

A Lenten Barometer

For centuries, the Church has observed Lent as a season for examining our personal spiritual growth. We can recall the practice as children of giving up something that we especially liked for those forty days. But as we grow older, we try to reflect Saint Paul’s insight: “When I was a child I thought as […]

All Come Bearing Gifts

In late October 2021, Catholic Charities of San Antonio (CCOSA) sent out a request for Religious Sisters to volunteer for at least two weeks to assist with the influx of Afghan refugees arriving in San Antonio, Texas. The refugees were members of Afghan security forces who had been working with the American Military. The men […]

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A Journey to Freedom

Afghan refugees, gathered in San Antonio, have come here with little more than the shirts on their backs. Most have been ripped away from their home, their culture, and their friends – especially their circle of supportive women. If given a choice, would they have taken the first step? Prior to this journey, life may […]

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Your Prayers Heard and Answered…

The call came in a letter from LCWR (The Leadership Conference of Women Religious) looking for more volunteers to help with the resettling of Afghan families in San Antonio. The call to assist in refugee resettlement had come before, but I had not been able to respond because of other responsibilities. Perhaps like you, when […]

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Widening the Pegs of My Tent

My experience of volunteering with Catholic Charities of San Antonio was truly one of “widening the pegs of my tent.” Beginning with the blessing given us before we left St. Louis, we felt your presence, prayer, and support every day. Thank you! God must have enjoyed surprising us all along the way! How else to […]

Noli Me Tangere

Fra Angelico – A Dominican Who Preached Through Art

Preaching is the mission of the Dominican Order. Dominicans live out this mission in their encounter with the Word of God through an informed wisdom, the fruit of our daily contemplation. Having the Word as a filtering lens during our contemplative prayer helps us to focus our speech and actions in all our encounters during […]

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