Reflections – Contemplatio

Advent Week 3

What Are You Waiting For

The following is Lillian’s Advent Vesper reflection for the Sisters in Dominican Convent. My beloved Sisters,  It is an honor to celebrate Advent and share my personal reflection with you today on the reading from James 5:7-10. I am overwhelmed with feelings of warmth and love as I read through each verse of this reading.   […]

Mary, Assumption

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

During these past few weeks, I’ve spent more time than usual with our Blessed Mother as I worked to prepare these reflections. I must admit, it has been an unexpectedly good way to enter more deeply into this beautiful Advent season!In exploring a bit of history of this feast, I discovered that there are differences […]

All Saints's by Elizabeth Want

Feast of All Souls

During these early days of November, we are called to contemplate the great doctrine of the Communion of Saints, which we declare every time we say the Apostles Creed. Sometimes in our recitation, we may not always give it the attention it deserves. The communion of saints is the spiritual harmony that binds together the faithful on earth, those still journeying to God, and the saints in heaven as the mystical body of Christ.

Pope John XXIII


On October 11, we marked the Feast of John XXlll, which is neither his birth nor his death in 1962. However, he officially opened the Second Vatican Council. In his opening remarks at the Council, he said that the Gospel of Jesus had not changed but we have grown to understand it better. The Council […]

Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

We know that each of the saints in our Catholic roster tried to emulate the life of Jesus in her or his unique way. Saint Bonaventure writes that Saint Francis of Assisi became the epitome of this effort. Francis had lived a privileged and worldly youth, sought honor as a knight and experienced suffering through […]


The Seven Sorrows of Mary

Originally known in the Roman Missal as the celebration of Our Lady of Compassion, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows has been commemorated in the Church since the 15th century. The Seven Sorrows of Mary focus mainly on the Passion of Our Lord. I would like to suggest that there is a wider understanding […]

Morning Prayers at Assembly

Dominican Middle School Raza Abad Multan, Pakistan

This is the first of a three-part series to introduce the educational ministry of our Sisters in Pakistan.  This piece focuses on Multan, a densely populated city. The next article will focus on the small desert village of Loretto. The third installment will introduce the small city of Bahawalpur, the center of our Community’s life […]

Fall foliage at Dominican Convent

The Litany of Loreto: A Way of Remembering Mary in the Beauty of September

September comes softly; for some of us maybe with a glistening tear because that is what beauty can do. Lyrics from the musical “The Fantasticks” come to mind: “Try to remember the days of September when life was so tender that no one wept except the willow.” How can we look into all this golden […]

Women of Wisdom Banner 2

Women of Wisdom, Giving and Receiving

You are invited to listen to Sisters reflecting on their experience of receiving care after a lifetime of giving it to others. Sisters Muriel Cooney, Natalie DeNatalie, John Rose (Peggy) Hartling, and Mary Reynolds are facing forward with hope and integrity. These women of wisdom disprove the notion that we ever stop giving. Rather, we […]

Banner-to Jesus Through Mary

To Jesus Through Mary

Today’s feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a time when I like to pause and reflect upon the young Jewish maiden who courageously gave her “yes” to become the Mother of the long-awaited Messiah-and to the mystery that constantly unfolded during her lifetime. When I do so, I discover once more […]

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