Reflections – Contemplatio

Martin Luther King, Jr with quote

Gather The Dreamers

It is hard to believe. We’re still saying, “Happy New Year,” yet we are now ready to mark Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 17th. Every year, many tributes to Dr. King include references to his “I Have A Dream” speech. Does Dr. King’s statement “I have a dream….” make him a […]

Magi Epiphany

Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord

As we meditate on the scenes of Christmas, we see a peaceful scene of Joseph, Mary, and the Baby Jesus in a stable. Soon they were visited by shepherds with their sheep from the nearby hills. It was to these poor Jewish shepherds that the heavenly host of angels gave the first manifestation, or epiphany, […]

Christ in manger

Christmas Blessings 2021

Sister Mary Murray, OP, president of the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, reflects on the humble birth of Jesus and its meaning for our world. Sister Mary offers a wish for Christmas blessings to all on behalf of the Sparkill Dominican Sisters and Associates. Christmas Blessings 2021 from Dominican Sisters of Sparkill

Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

When asked to reflect on Our Lady of Guadalupe, I felt confident that I would be able to sit and write effortlessly about the Patroness of the Americas. How could this be a difficult task when I know, so well, the story of Juan Diego and his encounter with the Virgin Mary on the hill […]


O Mary, conceived without sin….

Angel Gabriel was first to proclaim Mary’s immaculate conception when he addressed her: “Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee!” God had a plan and had prepared her for it. From her conception in the womb of her mother Saint Anne, Mary was free from sin. This belief has been held and […]

Advent candle graphic

Light the Advent Candles

We need Advent, this time of hope, expectation, light shining in the darkness. We need to hear once again those Advent scriptures-of a lion lying down with a lamb, of valleys being raised and mountains made low, crooked paths becoming straight, the rough ways smooth, and the dawn from on high breaking upon us, guiding […]

A Gift From The Chippewa Cree

What a blessing it is to be exposed to so many different cultural values and perspectives in life! I am extremely grateful for my thirty-eight years living with the Chippewa Cree tribe in Montana. They taught me so much about the presence of the Great Spirit God in all of creation. Randy Woodley, a Cherokee […]

grass growing out of crack in cement

The power of a blade of grass…

Have you ever noticed a blade of grass coming through the middle of an asphalt driveway? The slender blade is so strong that it can push its way right through the asphalt. Yet that same blade of grass is so delicate that even a child’s fingers can pull it apart into a dozen pieces. A […]

Fall foliage on Dominican Sisters of Sparkill property


The leaves are finally beginning to show their fall colors on the Motherhouse grounds here in Sparkill and they dazzle! Many of us are blessed to be able to walk this property for exercise and reflection each day. Last week, I attended the wedding in Sacred Heart Chapel of a young woman whose mother was […]

Garden statue of Saint Francis Assisi

Saint Francis Assisi and Laudato Sí

More than eight hundred years ago a man by the name of Francis fell in love with the God of creation through experiencing the gift of the natural world. He saw the face of his creator in every wildflower he touched and in the blades of grass his feet trod through the countryside of Assisi. […]

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