Have you ever noticed a blade of grass coming through the middle of an asphalt driveway? The slender blade is so strong that it can push its way right through the asphalt. Yet that same blade of grass is so delicate that even a child’s fingers can pull it apart into a dozen pieces.
A blade of grass possesses a strength so powerful that it can overcome seemingly impossible obstacles—a gentle power that overcomes without overwhelming.
When I was young, I really thought I understood what power was—and I didn’t particularly like its use (unless, of course, I was the one who had the power!). But I’ve come to a different understanding over the years, an understanding that has given me a deep appreciation for the image of Christ the King, whose feast we celebrate on November 21.
I have learned that Jesus’s power is not like the crushing force of a dictator or even the power of soaring rhetoric that can ignite a crowd. No, the power of Jesus is like that gentle power of the blade of grass. Christ our King is a king of love—the strongest power on earth, but one that daily invites us to allow its gentle tenderness to conquer our hearts!
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families and friends, let us remember the power of love that is at the heart of every family and community. We ask Christ to be with us as together we seek to be the presence of his powerful love in our world.
– Sister Margaret Palliser, OP
Sister Margaret is a member of the Leadership Team for the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill.