We need Advent, this time of hope, expectation, light shining in the darkness.
We need to hear once again those Advent scriptures—of a lion lying down with a lamb, of valleys being raised and mountains made low, crooked paths becoming straight, the rough ways smooth, and the dawn from on high breaking upon us, guiding our feet into the way of peace.
It’s hard to walk in the darkness of these times. Hatred, violence, division, lies, suffering, diminishment, and loss can seem to overcome the light of hope, peace, and joy.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote that “Darkness cannot drive out Darkness; only Light can do that. Hatred cannot drive out Hatred; only Love can do that.”
Advent is a time of waiting for the rebirth of the Child who can bring Light that overcomes the Dark, and Love that overcomes Hate.
What is our part in this rebirthing? Julian of Norwich teaches that “We are not just made by God, we are made of God. We are born from the very womb of the Divine.”
The rebirth of this Child comes through us, the ones living in these present times. In his book, The Rebirthing of God, John Philip Newell asks:
What would rebirth look like in my life?.... What is the new thing
that is trying to emerge from the Divine deep within us?....
What is it that we need to let go of to prepare for this new birthing?
Let us light the candles of our Advent wreath.
Let us begin the waiting time.
Let us prepare the way for our God.
– Sister Mary Jo Heman, OP
Sister Mary Jo is deeply committed to advocacy
for racial justice and criminal justice reform.