Sent Forth in Love

Empty Tomb

"Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?" She thought it was the gardener and said to him, "Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, and I will take him. 11 Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to him in Hebrew, "Rabbouni, 11 which means Teacher." (John 20:15- 16)


Dear Friends,

The daffodils and crocuses are blooming, the magnolia and cherry trees are in bud, and the morning birdsong awakens us to the stirring of new life all around us. May our spirits be lifted by these early signs of Spring!

Just as the earth is bursting forth with new life, so too, are we emerging from the seemingly long darkness of our Lenten journeys. We, with Mary Magdalene, are seeking the Christ. Let us stand awhile with Mary at the entrance to the tomb where the stone has been rolled away, and feel her grief as our own, her confusion, her amazement as our own. With Mary, astonished by the mystery and miracle of the Risen Christ, we see and recognize our "Rabbouni" as we are seen and recognized and called each by name. With Mary, we are sent forth in love, commissioned to preach and teach and witness to the joy and hope of the Resurrection.

The Leadership Team and I wish you the Peace and Joy of the Risen Christ! We offer you the enclosed reading, "The Magdalene's Blessing" by Jan Richardson (Circle of Grace, 2015) for your enjoyment and reflection.

With love,

Sr. Irene Ellis

Here is the link to "The Magdalene's Blessing".


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