
Golden and Diamond Jubilarians

Congratulations to our 2019 Jubilarians!

July 12, 2021

We honor the Sisters who celebrated their Golden and Diamond Jubilees this year. Their commitment to supporting God’s work on earth is a source of joy and inspiration. Golden Jubilarians Celebrating 50 Years of Religious Life. (l-r) Sisters Mary Shea, Christine Gamache, Mary Schmittgens, Susan Dunn, and Grace Anne Hogan.Diamond JubilariansCelebrating 60 Years of Religious Life. (l-r) Sr. Loretta […]

catholic education ministry

The Archdiocese of New York Honors Dominican Sisters of Sparkill’s Catholic Education Ministry

July 12, 2021

On October 18, during a Mass at St. Frances de Chantal Church in the Bronx, the Archdiocese of New York honored the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill for their more than a century of dedicated service in the ministry of Catholic Education. Father Arthur Mastrolia, who celebrated the Mass, praised the Sparkill Dominicans for their long-standing ministerial leadership […]

Founders Award ceremony

St. Thomas Aquinas College Honored Sister Carol Lehmkuhl with the Founders Award

July 12, 2021

On October 4, St. Thomas Aquinas College presented their Founders Award to Sister Carol Lehmkuhl, founder and director of the East Side Heart & Home Family Center in East St. Louis, Illinois. The Founders Award is bestowed each year in recognition of an individual’s tireless dedication and commitment to the ideals and values of St. Thomas […]

sister at inaugural Rockland Women Leaders Hall of Fame

Sister Ursula Joyce inducted into the Rockland Women Leaders Hall of Fame

July 12, 2021

Sister Ursula Joyce became one of 40 outstanding women inducted into the inaugural Rockland Women Leaders Hall of Fame for their community service. The Hall was established by the Center for Safety & Change, a victim-centered non-profit organization offering free and confidential life-changing programs and services to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, […]

newborn family photo

Let’s Not Forget about Migrant Families

July 12, 2021

While campaigns intensified leading up to the United States off-year election on November 5, lawn signs for and against public office candidates proliferated across the country. Rockland county was no exception, displaying a wide array of political endorsements that seemed to sprinkle nearly every household in sight. Dominican Convent in Sparkill placed its own lawn […]

Immigrants' Rights at Nyack, NY Rally

Sisters Advocate for Immigrants’ Rights and the Rights of All People at Nyack, NY Rally

July 12, 2021

On Saturday, January 20, 2018, Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and friends along with Board Members, teachers, and leadership from One to One Learning* attended a Women’s and Immigrants’ Rights Rally held in Nyack, New York. The rally was held in solidarity with the Women’s Rights marches that took place throughout the country that day, and, […]

reverend and sisters

Sisters host Ecumenical Peace Prayer at Dominican Convent with members of the St. Charles AME Zion Church of Sparkill, NY

July 12, 2021

On Wednesday, January 31, 2018, the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill were thrilled to share the monthly Peace Prayer service with the members of the St. Charles AME Zion Church of Sparkill, NY. A collaboration between St. Charles’ Rev. Brandon McLauchlin and Sparkill Sisters Bridget Kiniry and Stephen Gerard, this gathering of nearly 150 people praying […]

two postulants in pakistan

Two new Postulants enter Sparkill Congregation in Pakistan

July 12, 2021

The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill are thrilled to welcome two new Postulants (Candidates) into their Community in Pakistan. At a ceremony in Bahawalpur on December 2, 2017, Lubna George and Samreen Javaid (pictured below) officially became Postulants of the Sparkill Congregation.  These young women have spent the last several months living with our Sisters in […]

Orangetown Supervisor Chris Day and two sisters

Sisters honored in town of Orangetown’s Proclamation of National Catholic Sisters Week

July 12, 2021

To kick off National Catholic Sisters Week 2018, the town of Orangetown, NY issued a Proclamation recognizing the impact of Women Religious on society and formally deeming March 8-14 as National Catholic Sisters Week in Orangetown. The two Dominican Congregations of Women Religious in Rockland County, the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and the Sisters of […]

three Pakistani sisters

Three young Sisters make their First Vows as Sparkill Dominicans in Pakistan

July 12, 2021

February 24th, 2018 was a beautiful day for the Sparkill community in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Three young women — Sr. Anna Bashir, Sr. Mehreen Abbas, and Sr. Reema Ashraf — made their first vows as Dominican Sisters, officially entering the Sparkill Congregation and beginning their journey in Religious Life. There was much excitement among the 21 […]

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