
Unsung Hero Award in the city of East St. Louis, IL

Sisters In the News

July 12, 2021

On March 11, Sr. Carol Lehmkuhl was one of 10 stand-out individuals to be honored with the 2018 Unsung Hero Award by the city of East St. Louis, IL. Sister Carol was recognized for her work at East Side Heart and Home Family Center, an organization that she founded and directs, which offers community support […]

sparkill at may day rally

Immigrants’ Rights. Workers’ Rights. Human Rights: Sisters speak out for all at May Day Rally

July 10, 2021

On May 1, 2018, better known as May Day, several Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and a Sparkill Associate joined in solidarity with other concerned citizens to rally for the rights of immigrants, workers, and all human rights. The gathering was organized by the Rockland County Immigration Coalition for the second year in a row and […]

sister receiving award

Sisters In the News

July 10, 2021

On May 11, 2018, Sr. Eileen Gannon was honored by St. Helena/Monsignor Scanlan High School with the St. Helena Award at their 2018 Hall of Fame Awards Dinner. The St. Helena Award recognizes distinguished service to the high school and its Alumni Association. A 1957 graduate of St. Helena High School, Sr. Eileen entered the […]

sisters at emmaus house

Emmaus House Healing Ministry Celebrates 35th Anniversary

July 10, 2021

A life-restoring ministry at the New Jersey shore just celebrated a tremendous milestone. On April 7, 2018, a large group of friends and supporters, including many Sparkill Dominicans, gathered in Long Branch, NJ to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Emmaus House, a ministry the Sparkill congregation is very proud of.  In 1983, Sr. Patricia Mary […]

Associate program in session

Associate Program flourishes in St. Louis, MO

July 10, 2021

The Sparkill Dominican community in St. Louis, MO gathered on May 6 as it does annually to celebrate the congregation’s Foundation Day. Sisters and Associates participated in a prayer service honoring the community’s history and impact and celebrated the commitment of three Associates: two who renewed their commitments for five years and one who made […]

sisters posing with Covenant Agreement

Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine announce their entrance into a Covenant Agreement

July 10, 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine Formally Enter Covenant Relationship SPARKILL, NY, June 7, 2018 – Two congregations of women religious based in Rockland County, NY, the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and the Sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine, formally entered into a Covenant Relationship […]

Sparkill sisters at rally

Dominican Sister of Sparkill reflects on participating in “Families Belong Together” Rally

July 10, 2021

On Saturday June 30, 2018, rallies took place around the country to demand that our government leaders permanently end the separation of children from their parents, end family internment camps, end the “zero-humanity” policy that created this crisis, and reunify children with their parents. Several Dominican Sisters of Sparkill participated in a rally at the […]

students and teacher at preaching conference

Sharing the Dominican tradition with a new generation: The 2018 Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference

July 10, 2021

Albertus Magnus High School (AMHS) in Bardonia, NY, is a long-held sponsored ministry of the Sparkill congregation. Since the school was established in 1960, the Sisters have focused on providing their students with a quality education dedicated to teaching Catholic doctrine and Gospel values and instilling in them an appreciation for the Dominican tradition of […]

sisters with baby in pakistan

The Pakistan Mission: Sixty Years of Grace, 1958-2018

July 10, 2021

By Sr. Mary E. Dunning In 1956, on behalf of the Sparkill Dominicans, Mother Kevin Sullivan accepted the invitation of the Dominican friars to work with them in their new mission in Pakistan. When Mother Kevin asked for volunteers, two hundred Sisters responded. Eight volunteers were assigned in 1957 to begin studying Urdu, the Pakistani […]

Venerable St. Agnes Alumnus

St. Agnes Alumnus declared Venerable by Pope Francis: Brother Norbert McAuliffe lived Christian virtues in a heroic way

July 10, 2021

St. Agnes Alumnus declared Venerable by Pope Francis: Brother Norbert McAuliffe lived Christian virtues in a heroic way By Sr. Maureen Foy, OP On November 18, 1895, the two McAuliffe brothers, William (age 11) and John (age 9), arrived at St. Agnes Home for Children in Sparkill, NY after the death of their parents. The […]

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