
Our Events

Feature image lenten afternoon

Lenten Reflection Afternoon

The Dominican Associates of Sparkill are sponsoring a Lenten Reflection afternoon on Saturday March 22, at Dominican Convent from 1:00 to 3:30 pm followed by Mass at 4:00. This year we will consider the different ways in which we find God in our very busy lives. Just how do we…

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Water Matters

Join us for an insightful online event exploring the Hudson River’s vital role in our environment and the challenges facing its watershed. We’ll dive into the ecology and health of this vital water system, hear from experts about their work and experiences, and discuss its impact on Rockland County. Sr….

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Bingo, featured image

Designer Bag and Restaurant Bingo

Doors open at 5:30 PM, and the Bingo event runs from 6:00-9:00 PM.

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Past Events

You might also be interested in these recent past events.

Catherine of Siena, SSD, featured

Saints and Saintly Dominicans, Catherine of Siena

Monday, April 29, is the Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena. Sister Margaret Palliser will answer the question: “Who was Catherine of Siena and what might her message be for us today?” Join us to learn more about this amazing 14th century Dominican powerhouse.

Saints and Saintly Dominicans is a series of reflections on men and women from our rich Catholic Tradition, including well- known saints (many from our Dominican Family) as well as newer faces among those whom the Church recognizes as “holy.”

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Haiti vigil featured image

Haiti Vigil and Fundraiser

We invite you to join us in a Prayer Vigil and Fundraiser for Haiti on Saturday, April 27, 2024, at 1:30 PM ET at Dominican Convent in Sparkill, NY. Please Click Here to make a donation to our Haiti Fund. Since 2010 we have been connected to the people of Haiti…

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CArla Mae streeter

Jesus Christ: Expanding our View

Please Click Here to join this Zoom event featuring presenter and noted theologian Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, OP on April 25, 2024 at 6:30 PM ET. Here Sr. Carla Mae will offer Theological background to help prepare preachers to proclaim the Good News. Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, O.P., Th.D., is…

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Laudato Si’ Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

The Dominican Sisters invite you to pray the Stations of the Cross with us on Monday, March 25, 2024. Please join our Sisters, Associates and faith community via Zoom or YouTube. This version of the The Stations of the Cross in the wake of our climate crisis has been Created…

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Contemplation with Creation

Join us either in person or on Zoom for an evening of Contemplation with Creation. Thursday, March 21, 6:00 – 7:30 PM ET. Lead by Facilitator Christina Leaño, Associate Director, Laudato Si’ Movement, Meditation Teacher, and Retreat Leader. Please RSVP to Maria Guy to attend in person at 845-359-4163 or…

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Associates’ Reflection Day

“Through poetry, personal reflections, scripture, music and table sharing we hope to show how God’s grace is not limited by sorrow and difficulty. It shines like a strand of gold mixed in with the multicolored threads. We hope you will see that the Master Weaver’s hands move with infinite love….

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Saints and Saintly Dominicans, Fra Angelico

This Sunday, February 18, is the Feast of our Dominican brother, Blessed John of Fiesole—better known as FRA ANGELICO.

What do you know about this brilliant and prolific artist of the 15th century who was given the title “Blessed” in 1982? Learn about this simple and holy friar and how his art has been preaching the gospel for more than 600 years.

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Lectio Divina with Sunday Scriptures for Lent

Join us by Zoom for the ancient practice of Lectio Divina – a meditative reading of Sacred Scripture in four movements: reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation, each of which includes quiet time for individual reflection. Each session will be led by a Dominican Sister guide. This is a collaborative opportunity…

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Lenten Vespers Invitation

Lenten Vespers

The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill gather in Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel each of the first 5 Sundays of Lent to pray Solemn Evening Prayer (also known as “Vespers”). You are invited to join us in person or in spirit as we sing our praise and our petitions to…

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On-Demand Lectures

Made possible by a generous gift, the Dr. J.T. Vincent Lou Lectures are held twice a year, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. They are free and open to the public. These presentations by renowned lecturers offer the opportunity to explore important issues in light of Catholic Social Teaching. Our past lectures are available on YouTube for viewing.

As always, we are thankful to the many people who make these events possible and for your continued interest and support.

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