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Feast of St. Joseph the Worker

God blessed them and said: “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and govern it. . .ย  God looked at everything and found it very good. Evening came, and morning followed-the sixth day. . . . On the seventh day, God completed the work . . . and found it to be very good.” ย (Genesis […]

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Helping women in Pakistan

What We Care About

Join our Donor Society The best way to know who we are today is to know what we care about. Like our earliest members, we focus on serving and advocating for people in need who, like the women and children our pioneer Sisters served, often live on the margins of society. We commit ourselves to […]

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1880-1881 – New beginnings after death of founder

Mother Dominic Dowling is chosen as the new Prioress. With fearless and practical leadership abilities, she begins to stabilize the small congregation whose ranks had fallen to eight members, following the departure of 14 Sisters in the year following the death of foundress. Caring for orphaned children becomes the major ministry. Mother Dominic sees the […]

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1884 – A move to a new home in Sparkill, NY

A thirty-acre farm in Sparkill, New York is purchased, remodeled, and named St. Agnes Convent and Home. A cottage childcare system is introduced with a program of education focused on practical knowledge and a variety of skills that would prepare the children for life. The home expands to eleven buildings and over 300 boys live […]

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The Dr. J.T. Vincent Lou Lecture Series

Home Events Lectures The Dr. J.T. Vincent Lou Lecture Series Dr. J.T. Vincent Lou Honoring a Great Father and Humanitarian Dr. J.T. Vincent Lou (1907-1988) grew up in Shanghai. Recognizing the studious young man’s keen mind, his Jesuit teachers began tutoring him. Choosing medicine as a way to serve his country, he studied at the […]

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Sisters Together in Mission As Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, we live our mission to be joyful women of prayer and compassion who proclaim the reign of God through ministry for justice and reverence for all creation. In our life together as Sisters, we embrace a radical living of the gospel through prayer, contemplation, and action. […]

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Feast of St. Patrick

There must be something about being green-just look around! But beyond the shamrocks and harps can we, using a slightly green lens, explore how Celtic Christianity Spirituality is echoed in Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical? Doing some web searching I found a paper by Kevin Vaughn titled: The Imagination of Interconnection: Laudato Si’ and Celtic […]

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Fra Angelico – A Dominican Who Preached Through Art

Preaching is the mission of the Dominican Order. Dominicans live out this mission in their encounter with the Word of God through an informed wisdom, the fruit of our daily contemplation. Having the Word as a filtering lens during our contemplative prayer helps us to focus our speech and actions in all our encounters during […]

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1958 โ€“ The Sisters take on a new mission in Pakistan

Responding to the request of the Dominican Friars to work with them in beginning a mission in Pakistan, 8 Sisters set out on a journey to a new climate, culture, language, and attire. Led by Sr. Purissima Reilly, they arrive in Karachi on October 12, 1958. By 1965, they will have built schools in various […]

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Sisters serve lunch at refugee Center

Our Sisters Return from Ukraine

Sisters Valorie Lordi and Bernadette Nonnon shared their reflections upon their return from a 10-day mission experience in Slovakia and Ukraine. They went to be with our Dominican Sisters of Blessed Imelda, Slovakia, and the Ukrainian refugees whom they serve. Sister Valorie: I felt called to make this journey, to put my feet on the […]

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