One of the things I love most about the season of spring is its imperceptibility—its daily surprises. One day there appears to be nothing sprouting and then, within a span of a few hours or days, tiny new growths appear. It's as if the struggles of winter give way to the fruits of patient endurance. Our lives seem to reflect this pattern as well.
There is another aspect of spring that we may overlook at times. God seems to use this time of the year to try to capture our attention by flooding our senses with a myriad of colors and scents. Every physical sense is nourished by the emergence of a mosaic of sights and sounds that draw us to the awareness of our Creator. Even the birds seem to be rejoicing with all their continual chirping.
I suspect that God is only teasing us with spring’s panorama of beauty. God seems to be saying to us, “If you think this is the epitome of beauty, I have other things in store for you that you cannot begin to fathom.” As Saint Paul reminds us, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love God “[2 Corinthians 2:9].
Spring calls us to fine tune our daily sensing of God's presence in all that surrounds us. We can discover God in nature, in the words of wisdom of a friend, or in the unspoken kindness of a smile, and even in the extension of a hand to
help us in our infirmities. Let us pay attention to these daily miracles.
– Sister Helen R. Boyd, OP
Sister Helen resides in Dominican Convent where she serves
on the Life Enrichment Committee and co-chairs the
Committee for Serving Vulnerable Populations