He knew all about horses
and fancy trappings
bells that jingled
to announce their coming
grooms who kept their mounts
in healthy splendor
and servants who ministered
to riders on the journey.
Off to the land of France he went
right hand of the good Diego
Bishop setting forth from Spain
to undo damage caused by monks
who played poverty in kingly robes
and jewels that told the lie.
The canon saw it all in sorrow
meeting destiny in the swift rejection
by Albigensians who sneered
at the pompted and circumstanced
daring to call themselves
true messengers of the one true God.
And so Dominic took to walking
becoming a friar on the way.
He felt the pain of failure
unable to see all things right
and bring the lost back
to a God who sings in joy.
With Jesus on the lonely road
the friar wept.
Then miracle like Easter dawn
revealed the women
coming once again
making the final gesture of faithfulness
and love to their fallen brother
seeking no throne or power
but only the treasure of his memory.
The Prouille women witnessed resurrection
rising in this little friar
dried his tears,
embraced his words
and ran
to call his brothers.
Sister Patricia (Dismas) Boyle (RIP 2001), on the Feast of St. Dominic, August 8, 1995.
Sister Patricia served as a nurse and midwife in our Pakistan Mission from 1960-1985.