Faithful to our Dominican charism, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of truth in order to address more effectively the needs of our suffering world…. Our peaceful presence brings hope to a world torn by violence. – Chapter 2016 Direction Statement

An unplanned moment occurred in our lives nearly 40 years ago when we decided to go to Montana and share our lives with the people on the Fort Belknap Reservation. We came, not just to be educators at St. Paul’s Mission Grade School, but to share the gifts of faith and hope with so many people in the community in so many ways.
Our goal each day was to give the children the opportunities they deserve, opportunities that can open new doors and make new paths available. Working with children is a life-giving gift. We share our gifts and talents with them, and in return they share so much with us. What a blessing to be able to share our lives with the children and the people of both Hays and Lodge Pole. Yes! We walked the journey together with those communities, praying that we could be a peaceful presence and a joyful sign of hope for all those we meet.
– Sister Helen Regina Durso, OP
– Sister Christine Ferrar, OP
– Sister Nora McCarthy, OP
Sisters Christine, Nora, and Helen Regina recently returned to their native New York after almost 40 years of ministry in Montana.